Thursday, 27 October 2011

Woeful Cory t-shirt

This is from Cory's own website. A truly amateur stencil job of Cory in the style of Che Guevara.
Whomever made this really does suck at photoshop.
Cory gushes over it like nerdy high school teen ("OMGZ itz a mushups! Itz a mashups of Che loz").
His post is from november 2005 and it still sucks.
"Hi Im a very shitty stencil" by 'Nate'

I love how the Cory gushes over this abortion of a stencil and claims the creator wants to remain anony-mouse.

 I think the creator is just plain embarrassed!!

Make sure you visit his site and leave a comment (a comment that will no doubt be deleted or non approved by the cory anti free speech comment mods)

@NotCoryDoctorow - more fake Corys on Twitter

Another fake Cory in the twitterverse ("@twitterverse" will be the name of Cory's new book no doubt)

The intro to Cory's new book (did i mention Cory has a new book out?)

My personal favourite (click to enlarge)

@notcorydoctorow says he gave up impersonating Cory after a few tweets but maybe he will be inspired  to take up the anti-cory tweets again.

Follow him here:

Cory likes to edit his own Wikipedia entry

As mentioned at it is no secret that Cory likes to edit his own wikipedia entry.

highlights include a hissy fit about the photo they are using to Cory calling his haircut 'The Magic Kingdom" (hee hee, disney loving fan boy phuck)

Well anyway rush over to the talk page to discover that Cory is a Jew who speaks Yiddish along with other fun facts:

Steampunk dead: Who's going to break the news to Cory Doctorow?

Cory is a world renowed douche and comedy punchline on the interwebs as can be seen from this metafilter headline. ha ha

Check it here:

Cory is a big fat stupid and i hate him

Cory is a big fat stupid and i hate him.
Be warned that this page has an attack site warning. I guess some hacker planted malicious code at one stage. Was virus free for the last 90 days when i checked it out.

Anyway a commentator left a good ant-cory comment. Click below to see it

Screencapped and saved for your reading pleasure anyway

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Cory hate at Amplicate

A good collection of comments and views about Cory at Amplicate. Click on the pic to view:

Visit the Amplicate page for more:

Random I hate Cory comments

Cruising about here:

Found some random Cory hate comments.
Some asshat tries to call out a Cory detractor and gets his ass beat. Click the pics to see the exchange:

Some random asshat:

Howie Feltersnatch replies:

encyclopedia dramatica - Cory Doctorow

The fine folks at the "new" encyclopedia dramatica have a Cory page

Check it out:


Some blogger thinks it encourages Cory

Of course he steals the red cape version of himself for his new book ("hey did you hear i have a new book out?"

What a piece of shit he is

More hate from

A pity they don't update anymore:

On the other hand it would probably sadder if they were still posting 3 years later.

Boing Boing drinking game

From comes the BoingBoing drinking Game:

Check it out at the source:

Looks Like BoingBoing Got Hacked (NSFW)

For prosperity's sake i will leave this link to TechCrunch about the time BoingBoing got hacked in 2010:

Cory likes to edit his own Wikipedia entry

As mentioned at it is no secret that Cory likes to edit his own wikipedia entry.

highlights include a hissy fit about the photo they are using to Cory calling his haircut 'The Magic Kingdom" (hee hee, disney loving fan boy phuck)

Well anyway rush over to the talk page to discover that Cory is a Jew who speaks Yiddish along with other fun facts:

Another great Cory hate site that no longer exists.
Commentary on Cory's posts from BoingBoing (albeit from a few years back).
Highlights include Cory's "Worst Post ever":

Also draws attention to Cory editing his own Wikipedia entry after someone hacked it:
And this absolute shit post "illustrating DRM" (a pair of headphones with handcuffs??!)

Well check it out at the Wayback Machine Internet archive:

Dr. Ouch's ShitDog

"Hi I'm Cory"

Sadly Dr. Ouch's ShitDog parody no longer exists but we can relive it's glory with the help of the Wayback Machine internet archive:

Woeful Cory Guevara stencil shirt.

This is from Cory's own website. A truly amateur stencil job of Cory in the style of Che Guevara.
Whomever made this really does suck at photoshop.
Cory gushes over it like nerdy high school teen ("OMGZ itz a mushups! Itz a mashups of Che loz").
His post is from november 2005 and it still sucks.
"Hi Im a very shitty stencil" by 'Nate'

I love how the Cory gushes over this abortion of a stencil and claims the creator wants to remain anony-mouse.

 I think the creator is just plain embarrassed!!

Make sure you visit his site and leave a comment (a comment that will no doubt be deleted or non approved by the cory anti free speech comment mods)


If you haven't already seen the awesome Boing Boing parody you should do so now.
The original is down but the mirror is here:

Lots of great parody based on the early days of BoingBoing. Just goes to show how long BB has been mentioning Wil Wheaton.......

Wet Asphalt: Why I hate Cory Doctorow

The folks at the Wet Asphalt blog have a rather lengthy discourse on Cory, DRM, and copyright.
It was a little TL:DR for me but it's worth checking out if you're really looking for something a bit more substantial than the usual Cory is a boo boo head stuff.  Here is the opening paragraph to wet your appetite:
First, yes I've read his books. Well, some of them. Well, part of one of them. I got fed up and stopped because it was stupid and poorly written. But that's neither here nor there. The fact of the matter is that I hate Cory Doctorow, I hate Boing Boing, and it's time somebody called Doctorow and his cohort of yes-men what they are: a bunch of assholes.
Well go read what  JF Quackenbush has to say in full here:

Why I hate Boing Boing has a good summary of the major reasons for Cory hating.
He has taken to writing kids' books to preach about his stupid obsessions - just more preaching to the choir, a smug potshot at the man, signifying nothing (except his appalling lack of taste in calling his latest effort for the little'uns "For The Win". Yeah. I know)
The post has 3 main sections which are:

  1. Cory Fucking Doctorow
  2. Xeni Fucking Jardin 
  3. Makers
So you are basically getting a good anti-cory rant as well as some bonus anti-xeni and maker stuff too.
Check out the post in all it's Cory hating glory here:

Trawling the web for Cory Doctorow haters

Ok, first post.
Really just searching the web for stuff about hating Cory Doctorow and/or Boing Boing.
Will throw up the links and maybe give a brief summary of the sites/blogs.

I want to punch Cory in the throat